'자전거'에 해당되는 글 389건</h3>

  1. 2010.03.10 살빼기, 살찌우기
  2. 2010.03.05 Bicycles and Aerodynamics - http://www.sheldonbrown.com/rinard/aero/aerodynamics.htm
  3. 2010.03.01 02/28/2010 Trek Training Riding 후기
  4. 2010.01.30 Wheel test result
  5. 2010.01.22 GROUP RIDING TIPS - http://www.roble.net/marquis/group_ride.tips
  6. 2009.12.23 Body fat calculator with caliper
  7. 2009.10.20 power calculator - http://bikecalculator.com/veloMetric.html
  8. 2009.09.30 8:30 - 꿈의 기록 성공
  9. 2009.09.17 8:55
  10. 2009.09.07 Fuji Finest RC
  11. 2009.09.06 Scattante XRL Frame Geometry
  12. 2009.08.15 68.85kg (151.79 lb)
  13. 2009.07.29 Alex A-Class A200 wheelset
  14. 2009.07.11 Ultegra 6500, 6600, Dura Ace 7900, SRAM Red 무게 비교 1
  15. 2009.07.06 2003 Scattante R-650 1
  16. 2009.06.29 자전거 무게 2
  17. 2009.05.27 9개월간 10kg 감량 성공
  18. 2009.03.21 퇴근 시간 갱신 - 5:53
  19. 2009.03.11 간만의 자전거 출퇴근
  20. 2009.02.13 Shimano chain check 0.75%, 1% 1

살빼기, 살찌우기


흔히 살이 찐 상태이거나 살이 잘 찌는 체질인 사람은 살빼보는 것이 그리도 소원이다.

마른 체질이거나 살이 잘 안찌는 체질인 사람은 살 한 번 쪄보는 것이 소원이라고 하면서
스스로 공공의 적이 되곤 한다. 이유는 간단하다. 살을 빼고자 하는 사람이 살을 찌고자 하는 사람보다
절대적으로 많으니까.

그럼 이 시점에서 살을 찐다, 살을 뺀다의 개념이 뭔가 생각해보기로 하자.
개인적으로는 그 어떤 사람도 살이 찐다고 해서 뱃살이 출렁출렁하는 상태로 만들고 싶어한다고는
생각할 수 없다.

살이 찌고 싶다의 개념은 근육질 몸매가 되고 싶다거나, 너무 말라서 뼈가 드러나는 몸매를 조금 보강하고 싶다의
개념일 것이다. 살이 찌고 싶다면 아주 간단한 방법을 제시해줄 수 있다. 하루종일 밥대신 기름과 설탕이 범벅된
아주 맛있는 (그런 분들에게는 맛없을 수도 있지만) 음식만 드셔보시라. 금방 늘어나는 뱃살을 느낄 수 있지 않을까 싶다.
소화 장애가 있는 분이라면 이 방법도 안통할 수 있지만. 보통은 잘 안먹는 사람들이 날씬하더라가 정설인 듯 하다.

앞으로는 살을 뺀다, 살을 찐다는 말을 좀 바꿔서 말할 필요가 있을 듯 하다.
살을 뺀다는 체지방을 뺀다.
살은 찐다는 근육을 찌운다 라는 표현으로 바꿔야 하지 않을까나?

궁극적으로는 모든 사람은 체지방을 줄이고, 근육을 늘리는 것을 선호하게 되어있다.
여성의 경우는 조금 다를 수도 있지만, 남성에 비해서 체지방이 약간 더 있기 때문에 근육질 몸매가 약간 감추어질 것이다.

남성의 경우 체지방 8-9%, 여성의 경우 15-16%를 만들어 보시라.
뱃살은 조금 남아있겠지만, 아주 탄탄한 복근과 함께 빈약하게 보일 순 있어도 팔 다리에 근육 모양이 눈으로 보이기
시작할 것이다. 그렇다고 아주 근육질은 아니니 걱정 안하셔도 된다. 그렇다고 빈민 수준으로 보이지도 않는다.
단, 조건은 체중은 BMI 20-23 정도를 유지해야 이런 몸매가 될 것이다.
체지방이 낮아도 근육이 바디빌더형으로 많으면 BMI는 30에 육박할 수도 있는데, 그럼 자동으로 헐크 몸매가 된다는
것을 기억하시라.
BMI가 20-23이지만 체지방이 높다면 정상이기는 하나 근육량이 부족하고 각은 좀 덜 질 것이다.
그래도 표준범위 안에 든다면 전혀 문제될 것은 없다. 건강한 신체의 표준이 무엇이냐에 따라 달라지니까.

BMI 18을 자랑하시는 날씬한 분들도 체지방이 높을 수 있다는 사실을 기억하자.

절대로 남에게 살쪘다는 소리 하시지 말고 (많이 들어서 얼마나 기분 나쁜 줄 안다.),
특히나 배우자에게 그런 소리 절대 하시지 마시라.
자신의 목표를 잡고 건강하게 사는 것이 중요한 것이다. 



Bicycles and Aerodynamics - http://www.sheldonbrown.com/rinard/aero/aerodynamics.htm


Bicycles and Aerodynamics

by Rainer Pivit

published in Radfahren 2/1990, pp. 40 - 44

Translated by Damon Rinard from the original German language article at:
http://www.lustaufzukunft.de/pivit/aero/aerodynamik.html .

(Numbers in parentheses refer to the pertinent bibliography)

Other articles by Rainer Pivit published in "Radfahren" magazine:

The aerodynamic gains in bicycle racing are of great significance. While aerodynamic technology was first shown on the track in the '84 Los Angeles olympics, aerodynamic improvements in road racing had a piercing effect in the last stage of the '89 Tour de France. LeMond adhered uniquely to better aerodynamics than Fignon. Can the everyday rider also benefit from better aerodynamics?

The idea that at higher speeds the aerodynamic drag of the bicycle consumes nearly all the rider's effort is very old. As early as 1895 disk wheels were offered for bicycles to reduce aerodynamic drag. There were even wheels with 4 aerodynamically shaped spokes for the front wheel (23). This type of wheel has now become generally accepted with extreme Triathlon bicycles - made today from composite materials instead of sheet metal as they were before the turn of the century.

Restrictive Regulations

Also the idea to achieve a more favorable frontal area and thus a smaller aerodynamic drag by assuming a different seating position had already emerged before the turn of the century. Mochet's recumbent set several new hour world records. Starting from 1913 records were broken with aerodynamically faired racing cycles (5, 6). However, the governing body of bicycle racing, the Union Cycliste International (UCI), did not view these as regular records and tried to prevent any possible technical advantages to individual racers by changing the regulations. Racing should serve as a comparison of athetes, not a comparison of technology. Because of that the most important incentive to aerodynamic improvements to the bicycle was omitted going forward.

The revival of the topic of bicycle aerodynamics is due to a professor who had no more desire to explain to his students over and over again why water boils and why the perpetual motion machine is not a good idea. In 1973 Chester R. Kyle planned a project to improve the bicycle. The first measurements were made because of a bet about whether tubular tires or clincher tires were better. It turned out that for the cyclist the actual physical enemy is air resistance.

This led to quick improvements to the conventional bicycle (frame and wheel side covers made from thin sheets) and an aerodynamic shell for a normal racing cycle, which reduced air resistance by 80%.

In 1975 Kyle and Jack Lambie organized the first race for streamlined "human powered vehicles" (HPVs). Out of the the 14 participants 4 went faster than any bicycle before - if one allows riding in the lee of the wind. One year later the International Human Powered Vehicle Association (IHPVA) was formed, in order to organize independently of the limiting regulations of the UCI races, and to support the technical development of HPVs (16).

Kyle's Olympic Project

Starting in 1982 Kyle and others developed the technical configuration for the US Olympic Cycling Team for the '84 olympics in Los Angeles. Some aerodynamic components already existed beforehand, e.g. the aero helmets of the Czechoslovakian team. But now for the first time the complete system of the bicycle and rider was aerodynamically optimized. UCI regulations specify a conventional seating position and also forbid any aerodynamic accessories. Not forbidden, however, is the aerodynamic arrangement of functionally necessary components.

This means for example that covering a spoked wheel with plastic sheet is forbidden, since this has no basic function - it serves only aerodynamics. It is different however, if the wheel has so few spokes that it is not sufficiently stable in itself for racing applications and sufficient stiffness can be achieved only by the additional basic function of the disk (made from composite material). Later rules were added that continue to limit this principle somewhat; for instance the main frame must consist of 3 tubes which are not allowed to be arbitrarily broad. Wheels must have (at present still) at least 16 spokes or a full disk.

The bicycles developed by Kyle for the US olympic project, known as "Funny Bikes", were very successful at the olympics. The redesign was so broad that only a very few components remained unchanged, for example the tires. By the '88 olympics in Seol, however, teams from the other countries had nearly caught up, so the US cycling team members could no longer benefit so much from the technical advantages of their Funny Bikes.

Triathletes Improve Handlebars and Wheels

Some of the ideas that developed within the framework of the US olympic program were later offered commercially, so today normal bicycle racers can also benefit from better aerodynamics. The new ideas were adopted particularly intensely in Triathlon. Since technical regulations are not as rigid here as in conventional bicycle racing, there were some technical improvements in this area which improved the chances of victory.

The most remarkable innovation was the triathlon handle bar (Scott aero bar), which leads to a more favorable aerodynamic position and reduces fatigue on long distances. Another recent development are wheels made from composite materials with 3 to 5 broad, aerodynamically shaped spokes (trispokes). In a cross wind, bicycles with such front wheels are easier to control compared to a full disk front wheel.

Thus three trends in bicycle aerodynamics can be summarized: first of all the racing bikes according to the restrictive regulations of the UCI, secondly the triathlon machines with large tolerance of technical advantages, but with conventional rider position and without aerodynamic fairings, and thirdly the HPVs without any technical limitation.

Developments Usually Oriented Toward Racing

For the everyday rider the HPV trend is surely most interesting - why should the street rider follow road traffic laws and also the regulations of sport federations? The everyday rider would like to travel as comfortably and quickly as possible from point A to B, so to him technical advantages are very welcome. A comparison of the athletic performance of the everyday rider in traffic with a given technical regulation makes no real sense now. Therefore it is to be much regretted that the industry (and also the press) still orients itself to a large extent toward future developments in racing.

If one does not consider the regulations which limit the application of technology, efficient structures are possible. The speed record for bicycles over a distance of 200 m with flying start is a good 105 km/h (May 1986 at 2400 m altitude). The world hour record is at present 73 km/h (September 1989). Both records are held by the vehicle "Gold Rush", built by Gardner Martin, with Fred Markham ("Fast Freddy") as rider. Gold Rush has very good aerodynamics: an effective frontal area of 0.046 m2 is indicated - a twelfth of a conventional racing bicycle; the vehicle weighs only 14.5 kg (19). Vehicles such as the Gold Rush are not suited to everyday life. Besides, other vehicles quite suited to everyday life have lower drag than racing machines which meet the regulations of the sport federations.

Aero Shopping List for the Normal Racing Cycle Rider

How can the normal racing cycle rider improve his aerodynamics? The aerodynamic drag of a conventional racing cycle without the rider is a third of the bicycle and rider together (12). Thus it is already clear that it is unreasonable to ride an aerodynamically optimized racing cycle with aerodynamically unfavorable clothes (e.g. normal everyday life clothing).

The aero shopping list, ranked by Kyle (13), shows possibilities of reducing aerodynamic drag. The costs are rough estimates; the proportional reduction of aero drag are relative to a conventional racing cycle and a rider with the usual racing clothing (racing shorts, jersey, cotton socks, gloves with knit backs) and without a helmet; the time gained is relative to a 40 km time trial at approximately 37 km/h - elapsed time 1 h 5 min. At higher speeds the time gained becomes smaller because of the shorter riding time.

Aero Shopping List

Approx. Cost

Aerodynamic Advantage

Time saved over 40 km

Costs per % of Aerodynamic Advantage






Remove water bottle and cage





Tape over shoe laces





Pump under top tube instead of in front of seat tube





Shave the legs





Remove the small chain ring





Fill the front tire gap at the rim





Benotto Aero bottle with cage





Smooth nylon socks





Pearl lzumi lycra shoe covers





Aero helmet. ANSI approved. Bell Stratos.





Aero front wheel: Araya aero rim,
28 Hoshi bladed spokes,
Dura Ace hub,
Avocet 190 g tire





One-piece skin suit, short sleeves and legs





Aero rear wheel: as above, but 32 spokes





Aero brakes and levers, Dia Compe AGC 300





Gloves with Lycra backs





Disk wheel in front





Clipless pedals





Disk wheel in back





Cinelli aero bar





Edco Competition Aero crank set





Shimano Sante aero Schaltung





An economical re-evaluation of the aerodynamics of a bike and rider with two aero spoke wheels, aero brakes, aero bottle, ANSI approved aero helmet, one-piece skinsuit, aero shoe covers, gloves with Lycra backs, silicone filling the gap between tires and rims, shaved legs and pump under the top tube costs about 1100 DM. In a 40-km time trial the rider equipped in such a way is 3 min 6 seconds faster than his conventionally equipped colleague with the same power, because his aero drag is less by around 21%. The speed of the aero cyclist is 4.8% higher than his conventional colleague (the last Tour de France was won with a lead of only 0.0025%).

Anyone who wants to invest somewhat more cash in his chances of victory (900 DM) and installs an aero crank set, an aerodynamically acceptable Schaltung, an aero bar and clipless pedals, can undercut his conventional colleague's aero drag value by around 23% and thus gain a lead of 3 min 30 seconds with the same performance.

Clothing and Helmet

In (15) Kyle points out that compared to the usual combination (long sleeved wool road jersey, Lycra racing shorts) aero drag can be reduced by 7.5% with a one-piece long sleeved skin suit made from Lycra; the same suit in rubberized coating gives an advantage of 8.4%. Aero helmets, as they are used for racing, which do not however meet the ANSI safety requirements, reduce the aero drag by approximately 2% compared to a bald head or a rubber cap over the hair. The Bell Stratos, an ANSI approved helmet, increases the aero drag by approximately 1.3 % over a bald head. Short hair worsens it around 4.6%, long hair around 8.6%. The leather hairnet helmets which can often still be found with racers - although completely insufficient according to ANSI - increases the aero drag by 6.3%. The wide-spread ANSI approved helmet Bell V1 Pro gains around 9.8% compared to a bald head. So far no measurements have been published concerning the influence of beards.

Disk Wheels are Front Runners

New wheels offer the largest aerodynamic advantage with the bicycle. Disk wheels are the front runners. Problemetic, however, are the high price and the severe impairment of the steering that comes from using a disk wheel in a cross-wind. Besides, an aero steel spoked wheel's air resistance clearly can be lowered already. If possible, few spokes in radial arrangement should be used.

Bladed spokes have 85% of the air resistance of normal round spokes (13). Narrow 18 mm tires likewise reduce air resistance. The rear wheel runs in an area where the air flow is already influenced by other components. Thus the effect of aerodynamically better material at the rear wheel is not as pronounced as at the front wheel. The use of a disk in the rear wheel is not worthwhile with a limited budget; a rear wheel with aero rim and bladed spokes also does the trick.

A particular example, which comes from measurements made by LeHanneur (10), is a bicycle with conventional wheels that has an effective frontal area cwA of 0.05 m2. Roval racing wheels, however, (developed in 1977: deep rim, bladed spokes with hidden nipples, 24 spokes for each wheel) have a value of approximately cwA = 0.03 m2.

From measurements by Kyle (17), a good, spinning disk wheel (AeroSport flat disk 26"; Kyle is involved in the company AeroSport) has an aero drag 35% of an appropriate conventional 27" wheel (normal rim, 36 round spokes). However he determined another disk had a value of 54% of the conventional wheel. There are thus noteworthy differences between the individual disks. In addition, a 24" wheel with aero rim and 18 aero spokes had only 40% of the aero drag of the conventional wheel.

Comparative measurements between normal wheels, the combination with disk in the back and spoke wheel in front, as well as disk both in front and in back were executed by the editors of "Bike Tech" on a time trial bike (with a measuring procedure whose accuracy is not yet known) (22). Replacing a conventional rear wheel with a Campagnolo Ghibili disk resulted in a reduction of aero drag by around 2.8%; replacing the 26" front wheel with an identical disk reduced the aero drag by 7.1% compared to the conventional configuration.

Aerodynamic Frames

Finally we come to the frame. Investigations by Kyle (12) show aero drag is reduced by around 5% for a manned track bike with aero frame, like the ones developed for the 84 Olympics, compared to a conventional track bike. It is particularly interesting that with a light side wind at about 10� the track bike with aero frame cuts aero drag around 12%, and with a 20� side wind has around 11% better drag than the conventional track bike.

In (17) Kyle presents investigations of commercial frames. Compared with a Gios steel road frame, an aluminum Cannondale frame with rider brought a reduction in aero drag of around 1.6%; a Trek aluminum frame was appropriately even with the Gios, a Kestrel 4000 composite frame brought a reduction of 4.7% and a very complex aero bike by Gleb - this time with 32 aero spokes instead of the 36 round spokes with the other bicycles - obtained an advantage of 7%. The track machines for the 4000 m individual pursuit riders of the US team in the 84 olympics showed an aero drag reduction of about 16% compared to the Gios road bike.

Tour de France in the Wind Tunnel

In wind tunnel studies Steve Hed (18) tried a reproduction of Fignon and LeMond on the last stage of the '89 Tour de France. LeMond rode with a plunging handlebar (bull horn bars) with Scott clip on aero bar, whereby he could assume the same very favorable aerodynamic position as with a normal Scott handle bar. Additionally he wore a Giro aero helmet.

Fignon however rode without a helmet - with a pony tail - and only with the plunging handle bar. Hed's measurements show a 22% advantage in aero drag for LeMond compared to Fignon. If Fignon had ridden with his team's aero helmet, then the difference would still have amounted to 17%. The difference between Fignon and LeMond was not really quite so large however, since Fignon used a front disk wheel, and LeMond only used one with 32 spokes. Hed did not use the different wheels in the wind tunnel. In each case measurements show clear advantages for the Scott aero bar, particularly with a position where the elbows are brought close together.

Now, after all the racing cyclist stuff, where is the bicycle as a means of transport? Aerodynamics are nowadays primarily a topic for the racing cyclist. Here each aerodynamic advantage - no matter how small - must be bought for the victory, so long as the additional weight is not counted as excessive. In addition, with the everyday rider different criteria must be consulted for evaluation. For example the racer pays attention to certain clothing conventions. Racing shorts are even fashionable, but the one-piece Lycra skin suit of the racer is (still?) not.

HPV Development Could Use the Everyday Rider

Sheilds raise aero drag by approximately 5% (11), but nevertheless I would not like to omit it. Am I to ride on vacation with a stripped down bike because the panniers and water bottle would increase the aero drag by approximately 12% or 2%? No, no, that won't do. The aero developments of racing bring almost nothing for the everyday rider.

Nevertheless, there is a certain hope that perhaps wheels made from plastic with a few aerodynamic spokes can be established within the normal bicycle arena on a long-term basis. Apart from the better aerodynamics - comparable with disk wheels - this would have the positive side effect that the problem of broken (steel) spokes would disappear with wheels that are almost always badly built. Factory built wheels are technologically on the lowest level, and often they do not get a grasp on their production quality, were replaced by other operations with high tech plastic technology.

In relation to the extensive investigations into the racing cycle there are relatively few measurements of ordinary bicycles. In (8) the influence of (weather-related) clothing was determined. A rider with summer sport clothing (running shorts and sleeveless t-shirt - fresh from the gym) served as reference on a Dutch style upright bike.

In contrast to this, aero drag increases by 19% for a long-sleeved shirt and long pants. Adding a closed wind jacket it was 24% more than with sport clothing. For winter a German Federal Armed Forces Parka and gloves measured 40% higher aero drag. With a rain cape and rain trousers the cyclist became a parachute: 69% worse aero drag than the summer sport clothes. Hopefully it does not rain very often!

Nevertheless the fact that aerodynamics and rain protection can get along together shows some developments with HPVs. The every day rider can benefit from the efforts in HPV development (hopefully) on a long-term basis; however, to a large extent racing cycle development is irrelevant for the everyday rider.

To Rainer Pivit's< Homepage     or to top of page


Rainer Pivit
Marktstrasse 29 a
D-33602 Bielefeld
Tel.: 0521 / 201 80 81
Fax: 0521 / 201 80 66


02/28/2010 Trek Training Riding 후기

보통은 트랙 라이딩이 토요일이라서 참여하기가 좀 힘든데,
어제 비가 온 관계로 일요일로 변경되어서 간만에 한 번 참여해봤습니다.

레벨을 C, B+, B, A 로 나누어서 출발하는 것이 상당히 좋긴 하더군요.
C가 가장 상위 그룹인데 상당히 전투적인 라이딩을 한다고 이야기를 하더군요.
아직은 좀 자신없어서 B+에 끼어봤습니다.
평속을 15-18 mph로 맞춘다고 하는데, 오늘 코스는 업힐도 상당히 많이 낀 코스라
이 속도가 나올지는 조금 의문이더군요.
B+ 그룹이 너무 사람이 많아서 이 그룹을 둘로 나누었습니다.
저는 앞쪽의 B++ 그룹에 끼어봤습니다.

초반에 워밍업 좀 하고 나서는 막 달리기 시작합니다.
첫번째 언덕에서 순간 심박이 올라가는데, 긴장되는군요.

샌 엘리호 언덕 직전에 있는 언덕 지나고, 엘핀 포리스트 접어드는 곳에서 보니
10명도 안 남았더군요. 여기서 그룹을 다시 둘로 쪼개서 B+++와 B++로 나뉘어집니다.

어디를 따라갈까 고민하는 있는데, B+++가 물마실 틈도 안주고 출발하네요.
무섭습니다. ㅎㅎ

엘핀 포리스트는 언젠가 한 번 가봐야 되겠다고 생각한 곳인데, 옆에 계곡도 보이고, 경치가 끝내줍니다.
차량 통행도 많지 않은데, 갓길이 넓지 않아서 그룹 라이딩이 필수인 곳입니다.
혼자서 달리기에는 적합하지 않은 곳으로 보이더군요.

좌우지간 업다운이 이어지는 한적한 숲길을 지나면서 즐거운 라이딩이 이어집니다. 로테이션도 좀 하고,
로테이션 하면서 치고 나가는 라이더도 따라잡기도 하고, 간만에 그룹 라이딩을 제대로 즐겨보는군요.

에스콘디도 들어와서는 길 찾기가 조금 애매하긴 한데, 우회전, 우회전, 좌회전으로 가면 되더군요.
중간에 90도 턴이 좀 나오는데, 갈림길에서는 우회전, 우회전, 좌회전으로 가면 딱 되는 것 같습니다.

마켓에서 잠시 쉬다가 출발합니다.

B+++ 그룹의 전사들은 저 포함해서 5명 남았더군요.

약간 내리막 분위기인 델 디오스 하이웨이로 접어듭니다.
여기도 약간 긴 오르막이 몇 곳 있는데, 오히려 오르막이 따라가기 쉽습니다.
오르막에서 좀 벌어져서 내리막에서 좀 기다려줬더니만 다 추월해지나가는군요.
추월하려고 한다기보다 중력 효과가 더 커서 어쩔 수 없이 그렇게 되나 봅니다.
이때 못따라가면 완전 낙오죠. 기를 쓰고 쫓아갑니다.

길이 덜 말라서 앞 사람 뒤에 따라가면 물이 무지막지하게 튑니다.
좀 떨어지면 계속 간격이 벌어지고요.

내리막에서 기를 쓰고 쫓아가고, 오르막에서 쉬어가는 이상한 상황이 발생합니다.

랜초 산타페 들어가서 뒷 그룹 좀 기다려주면서 이런 저런 이야기를 나눕니다.
그룹 리더가 다음에는 C그룹에 끼어서 타보면 많이 배울 것이라고 조언합니다.
오늘 상황보면 업힐은 몰라도, 평지나 내리막에서 한 번 쳐지면 끝일 것 같더군요.
로테이션하는데, 앞사람 전투적으로 튀어나가면 몇m 그냥 벌어집니다.
그것 따라가려면 스프린트로 전력질주해야 되고 쉽지 않았거든요.

아직은 B+++ 정도가 맞을 것 같다는 생각이 많이 들더군요.

랜초 산타페에서 바다로 내려가는 S8 도로도 차량 통행이 별로 없고, 갓길이
약간은 있어서 상당히 좋은 코스로 생각됩니다. 다만, 그룹 라이딩은 필수일 것 같습니다.

바닷가 내려오니 신호 몇 번 걸린 관계로 B++ 그룹과 합쳐집니다.

여기서부터는 약간 덜 전투적인 페이스로 가더군요.
평지 드래프팅도 사람이 많아지니 훨씬 편해지고요.
20mph는 기본으로 나옵니다.

그렇게 종착지에 도착했습니다.
36마일짜리 짧은 코스였지만, 상당히 즐거운 라이딩이었던 것 같습니다.
평속은 17.6mph가 나왔네요.

대규모로 가는 클럽 라이딩도 나름대로 배울 점이 많은 것 같습니다.

85 마일짜리 산 클레멘테 라이딩이나 90마일짜리 줄리안 라이딩 정도는 한 번 따라갈만할 것 같습니다.

언제 엘핀 포리스트 코스는 샌디에고 맴버들끼리 타봐도 좋을 것 같습니다.


Wheel test result


GROUP RIDING TIPS - http://www.roble.net/marquis/group_ride.tips


There is no more effective way to become a motivated cyclist than finding a good regular group ride. Here are some group riding techniques common around the world.

  • Pacelines, Pacelines, Pacelines. Single or double, rotating quickly or slowly but always smooth and tight. This is the single overriding feature common to every experienced group ride.

  • Accelerate slowly and with an eye to keeping the group together. Attacks, jumps, short-hard pulls and other race-like riding may be fine for certain smaller rides but have no place in a group oriented ride. I'm often surprised that novice riders sometimes think this kind of aggressive riding is better training than a good rotating paceline.

  • A consistent pace is key. Try establishing a pedaling rhythm before reaching the front, and maintain it until just after pulling off. If you're feeling especially strong accelerate and/or take a longer pull but if you do increase the pace do it gradually. Don't forget to pedal harder on descents to make up for the extra aerodynamic resistance.

  • Go hard on the hills (and elsewhere) but don't forget to regroup. This doesn't mean waiting for every last straggler but always make a reasonable effort to regroup after the harder sections.

  • Wheelsitters are always welcome, but please stay at the back. There's nothing more disruptive than someone who rotates to the front only to slow down on hitting the wind. If you're feeling extended, tired, or otherwise not inclined to pull through there's no problem with sitting at the back, just let the riders who are rotating know when they've reached the back of the rotating section.

  • Don't open gaps! If you find yourself behind a gap close it _slowly_. A skilled group will remain in a tight paceline through 95% of an average ride including stops, corners, short climbs, descents, and traffic by closing the inevitable gaps before they become problems.

  • Don't point out every single pothole, oncoming car, or other obstacle. Each rider has to take responsibility for themselves. This means that everyone should be paying attention to the traffic and the road, even at the back. The frontmost riders should point out unusual hazards of course, and steer the group gradually around glass, potholes, slower riders and such but don't ever assume that you can leave it up to the other riders to watch the road ahead.

  • The lead riders are most responsible for the group's behavior and must take this into account at stop signs and lights. Don't accelerate through a yellow light unless you know the back of the group can make it too. If the group does get split ride slow until the rear group has caught back on. If you're at the back please don't run the intersection just to maintain contact unless it is clear that traffic is waiting for the entire group to pass.

  • Don't accommodate elitist attitudes. Perhaps the best thing about good group rides, aside from training, is socializing. Team affiliation, racing experience, helmet use, type of bicycle, etc. are all matters of individual preference and should be left as such. As long as the rider is safe and able to keep up they should be welcome.

  • Experienced riders should point out mistakes. This must be done diplomatically of course but it is important to make people aware of unsafe riding, hard braking, cutting blind corners, unnecessarily obstructing traffic, etc.

  • It's also helpful to meet at a popular, central location. Cafes, plazas, and bike shops are all good places to wait and talk before the ride starts.

  • Finally, a skills clinic can be an excellent method of helping new riders achieve the safety and proficiency necessary to participate in a paceline.

    Roger Marquis (www.roble.net/marquis) See also rec.bicycles FAQ 9.31
  • And

    Body fat calculator with caliper


    power calculator - http://bikecalculator.com/veloMetric.html


    8:30 - 꿈의 기록 성공

    꿈은 이루어진다.

    8분 30초의 기록을 드디어 달성했다.

    선선한 날씨가 일조를 하고, 2번의 ITT 연습이 도움이 된 듯 하다.

    이젠 목표를 8분으로 잡아야 하나?

    이건 정말로 쉽지 않을 듯 하다.


    다시 출근 기록을 갱신했다.

    오늘의 기록은 약간 무거운 가방, 신호등에 두번 걸림, 주차장에서 장애물 돌아감 등의 요소를 고려할때
    상당히 좋은 기록으로 생각이 된다. 운이 좋았다면 15초까지도 더 단축이 가능하지 않았으려나.

    결국 8:30의 기록도 불가능한 것은 아님을 알 수 있다.

    Fuji Finest RC



    Finest RC MSRP:$1,660


    Sizes XS (44), S (47), M (50), L (53)
    Color(s) Dark Blue
    Main frame Fuji Compact Altair 2 lite custom butted aluminum with PowerDiamond down tube, Integrated head tube, double water bottle mounts
    Rear triangle Fuji carbon seat stays, Fuji Altair 2 aluminum chain stays, Fuji forged road dropout with replaceable derailleur hanger,
    Fork FC-770 Fuji Bonded Carbon Integrated w/ 1 1/8" Alloy Steerer
    Crankset FSA Gossamer Compact MegaExo, w/ Integrated spindle, 7075 CNC 34/50T Chainrings
    Bottom bracket FSA MegaExo Exterior Bearing System
    Pedals Nil
    Front derailleur Shimano 105, 31.8mm
    Rear derailleur Shimano ULTEGRA
    Shifters Shimano R-700 Reach Adjust STI shifter/brake, 20-speed Flight Deck compatible
    Cassette Shimano 105, 11-25T 10-speed
    Chain KMC DX-10
    Wheelset A-Class ALX- 200, 700c clincher
    Tires Continental UltraSport, 700 x 23c
    Tubes CST Ultralight presta
    Brake set Tektro R-570 w/Cartridge pads
    Brake levers Shimano R-700 STI
    Headset Tange IS-24 1 1/8" Integrated Road w/ 10mm conex spacer
    Handlebar Fuji UltraLite 6061 Double Butted, 31.8mm w/Anatomical drops
    Stem Fuji PROLITE AL 3D forged, +/-6 degree
    Tape/grip Fuji custom cork wrap
    Saddle Fuji WoS.O. Specific
    Seat post Fuji PRO Forged Alloy, 350mm
    Seat clamp Fuji Superlite Alloy, 31.8mm Laser Etched
    Other 7075 alloy water bottle bolts
    Weight, lb./kg. 19.12/8.69


    Description XS (44) S (47) M (50) L (53)
    A SEAT TUBE, CENTER TO TOP 440.0 470.0 500.0 530.0
    C-2 EFFECTIVE TOP TUBE LENGTH 510.0 525.0 545.0 555.0
    D CHAIN STAY 405.0 405.0 405.0 405.0
    E BB DROP 69.0 69.0 69.0 69.0
    F FORK OFFSET 45.0 45.0 45.0 45.0
    G HEAD TUBE ANGLE 70.0 71.0 71.5 72.0
    H SEAT TUBE ANGLE 76.0 74.5 73.5 73.5
    I WHEEL BASE 986.1 980.4 987.8 994.0
    J STAND OVER HEIGHT 711.1 730.2 753.8 778.0
    HEAD TUBE LENGTH 110.0 120.0 140.0 160.0
    reach 368.0 370.0 381.9 385.0
    stack 522.0 533.0 547.8 570.0
    trail 66.2 63.1 63.1 56.8
    STEM LENGTH 90.0 90.0 100.0 110.0
    STEM ANGLE 6.0 6.0 6.0 6.0
    HANDLEBAR WIDTH 400.0 400.0 400.0 420.0
    CRANK LENGTH 165.0 165.0 170.0 172.5


    Scattante XRL Frame Geometry



    68.85kg (151.79 lb)

    몸무게가 미국에 온 이래 최저치로 내려갔다.

    체지방을 제외한 모든 수치가 정상 수치로 돌아왔다.

    체지방만 5kg이 빠지면 모든 수치가 정상이지 않을가 싶다.


    Alex A-Class A200 wheelset


    700C BK ANOD. W/CSW

    700C BK ANOD. W/CSW
    BK ANOD.

    BK ANOD.
    R: 2 CROSS
    L: 2 CROSS
    220 1120g

    Ultegra 6500, 6600, Dura Ace 7900, SRAM Red 무게 비교

    간단한 무게 비교입니다.

    6500 6600 7900          RED
    Front Deraileur 106 103 66 71
    Rear Deraileur 225 206 166 146
    Bottom Bracket 248 100 88 105
    Crank 616 733 659 639
    Chain 292 280 280 265
    Cassette 194 242 188 161
    Brake 336 335 295 262
    Control Lever 453 490 367 318
    SUM 2470 2489 2109 1967

    여기서 6500은 트리플인데, 12-21T 카세트 무게에서 50g이 줄어들므로
    사실 더블과 트리플의 무게 차이는 별로 나지도 않겠더군요. 100g도 안날 것 같습니다.

    새로 나오는 6700은 7900보다 130g이 더 나간다고 했으니
    2250g 정도, Ultegra SL은 2400g 정도 나가지 않을까 싶습니다.

    결국, 6500에서 6700으로 바꿔야 반파운드 정도 줄겠군요.

    프레임 무게들도 비교를 해보니 일반적인 카본 프레임들은 1.1kg이 넘는 경우가 많고요.
    서벨로나 스콧이 좀 가볍게 나오는데 이 경우가 1kg 미만으로 나옵니다.
    결국 알루미늄이나 카본이나 무게차이는 많지 않다고 봐도 될 것 같습니다.
    고급 프레임으로 비교한다면 200g 정도 나지 않을까 싶네요.
    고급 알루미늄과 중간가 카본은 비슷할 것 같습니다. 가격도 비슷하겠죠.
    대신 충격흡수가 카본 프레임이 탁월합니다.

    제 경우는 적당한 카본에, Ultegra 6700에 풀 카본 포크를 넣는다면 400g 정도 줄어들겠군요.
    그럼 대충 15파운드대가 나오겠습니다.

    2003 Scattante R-650

    Size: 51cm (Effective Top Tube: 52cm)
    Frame: Dedacciai Force 7003-T6 Aluminium Frame
    Fork: Weyless Carbon fork with Alloy steerer
    Wheels: Easton EA90 SLX
    Tires: Hutchinson Fusion2
    Shifter: Shimano Ultegra STI, 9 Speed 6500
    Front Deraileur: Shimano Ultegra 6500
    Rear Deraileur: Shimano Ultegra 6500
    Crank: Shimano Ultegra 6500 (with 6600 middle chain ring) 52/39/30
    Cassette: Shimano Ultegra 6500 12-21T
    Pedals: Shimano M747 SPD
    Saddle: Selle Italia Max Flight Trans Am
    Seat Post: Weyless Carbon with Alloy clamp
    Handlebar: Weyless Alloy R4 OS
    Stem: Felt 1.2 110mm
    Headset: Cane Creek
    Brakeset: Shimano Ultegra w/Shimano Ultegra STI levers 6500
    - without pedal and etc: 16.2lb (7.35 Kg)
    - with pedal and etc: 17.4lb (7.89 kg)


    자전거 무게

    17.4 lb = 7.89 kg

    페달, 물통 케이지, 속도계 등등 무게가 1.2 lb 정도로 가정하면
    16.2 lb =  7.35 kg 정도 나갈 듯 하다.

    오리지널 무게가 18.2 lb로 기억이 나는데, 사이즈를 고려한다면 18.0 lb라고 가정하면
    1.8 lb가 줄었다는 이야기인가?

    휠에서 500g,
    싯포스트, 안장에서 100g,
    체인링, 카세트에서 100g 정도

    나머지는 어디서 줄어들었으려나?

    UCI 룰에 프로들 무게제한은 6.8 kg이라고 한다.
    아직 1kg은 더 줄일 수 있겠지만 줄일 곳은 포크와 프레임에서 500g 정도
    컴포넌트에서 400g 정도는 줄일 수 있으려나...

    이 정도 무게면 카본 자전거에 크게 뒤지지도 않는 듯 하다.

    9개월간 10kg 감량 성공


    9개월간의 노력끝에 앞자리가 바뀌었다.

    6kg 감량은 비교적 쉬웠으나 그 다음 4kg은 쉽게 빠지지가 않았다.
    최근에 유산소 운동에서 무산소 운동으로 운동 방법을 바꾸었더니,
    다시 몸무게가 빠지기 시작한다.

    난 무산소 운동이 체질에 맞는가 보다.

    앞으로 5kg 정도만 더 줄이면 완전 표준 체중이 되지 않을까 싶다.

    그 날은 언제 오려나?


    퇴근 시간 갱신 - 5:53

    날도 길어져서 어제는 평지와 내리막에서 지속적으로 속도를 내봤다.

    다운힐은 무페달링 코스팅을 했지만, 낙타등 구간에서 전력질주, 평지 비슷한 구간에서 전력질주했더니
    기록이 갱신이 되었다. 종전 기록은 6분 30초 정도.

    숨이 차오는 것을 봐서는 zone 5에 꽤나 오래 머물렀던 것 같다.

    MTB로는 이정도가 기록의 한계가 아닐까나.
    그러나 로드로도 다운힐에서 속도를 더 못내기 때문에 크게 차이가 없을 듯 하다.


    간만의 자전거 출퇴근

    해가 빨리지고, 비오고, 출장간다는 이유로 자전거 출퇴근 한지도 몇주가 흘러버렸다.

    섬머타임이 다시 시작하면서 어제부터 다시 자전거 출퇴근을 재개했다.

    연속 9분대에 도착할 수 있었다. 이전 기록은 8분대 후반이었지만,
    한때는 9분대도 넘을 수 없는 벽으로 보였으니, 이제는 좀 천천히 온다고 생각해도
    9분대면 도착할 수가 있다.

    8분 30초는 언제나 도달할 수 있을까나...


    Shimano chain check 0.75%, 1%


    CC-3로 측정해보니,

    0.75%는 12.05 cm
    1.00%는 12.08 cm가 나온다.

    역으로 환산해보면 오리지널 체인의 길이는 11.9603 cm가 나온다.

    집에 있는 체인들 체크해보니 오래탄 MTB도 12 cm로 0.33%로 양호

    1200마일 정도 탄 체인은 11.98cm로 0.165% 로 아주 양호했다.

    이제 체인 더 오래써야겠다.

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